Cybersecurity Dangers: Rising Online Risks for Children

Cybersecurity Dangers: Rising Online Risks for Children


    As a critical issue emerging in the digital age, child sexual abuse content ( and online threats to children are increasingly prevalent. The recent report from Thorn, a technology nonprofit working to protect children from sexual abuse, unveils alarming trends in online child endangerment.

    The study highlights both the startling rise in self-generated CSAM and the audacious behavior of online predators. Alarmingly, these images, whether produced under coercion or with consent, circulate widely across conventional online platforms, with predators exploiting them for nefarious pursuits.

    This burgeoning issue of CSAM has spurred a staggering 329% surge in reported cases to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) in the last five years. Astonishingly, this reservoir of illicit material encompassed over 88.3 million files in the year 2022 alone. Notably, user-generated content platforms significantly bolster this grim statistic.

    Mitigating the spread and impact of CSAM necessitates innovative technological approaches. Hashing and matching technology, for instance, proves invaluable for tech companies to identify and block explicit content, fortifying their protective measures. This technique converts files into unique hash values, subsequently compared against hash lists of known CSAM. Two common techniques, perceptual hashing and cryptographic hashing, are particularly effective.

    The creation of robust lists of CSAM hash values is imperative in optimizing detection and containment strategies. In response, Thorn presents Safer, a comprehensive anti-CSAM tool with access to a vast database bearing over 29 million known CSAM hash values.

    Safer facilitates the sharing of hash lists amongst tech companies, thereby fostering a collective knowledge base to counter CSAM. This collaborative effort between technology corporations and NGOs is crucial to eradicating CSAM from the internet. In testament to its effectiveness, Safer has thus far analyzed billions of images, resulting in the unmasking of over two million explicit articles across various platforms.

    In the face of an alarming surge in online child sexual abuse content, the encouraging adoption of detection tools across platforms represents a beacon of hope. With proactive measures such as Safer, the tech industry can address this issue head-on, ensuring a safer online space for our children.

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October 10, 2023
Child sexual abuse content (CSAM) and online threats to children are alarmingly prevalent today. Tools like Safer are crucial to address this issue, ensuring a safer online space for our children.