Cybersecurity Alert: Wing Security’s New Tools Tackle Auto-Forwarding Risks

, Wing Security auto-forwarding

In the complex realm of cybersecurity, email auto-forwarding can lead to catastrophic data leaks. However, Wing Security (Wing) has unveiled a powerful SaaS shadow IT discovery solution called Wing Security auto-forwarding. This solution aims to assess and mitigate risks associated with email vulnerabilities.

Data breaches are not always the result of sophisticated cyber-attacks. Sometimes, they stem from within an organization’s own practices. This includes the popular measure of auto-forwarding emails for ease of access, a well-intentioned feature that can inadvertently become a liability. To tackle this issue, Wing recently announced the enhancement of its threat detection by integrating services with Gmail and Outlook.

This easy-to-use free self-service tool importantly flags risky email forwarding rules. Beyond detection, it also stands as a rampart, securing the floodgates before any inadvertent information breach occurs. As a testament to its user-friendly design, Wing allows quick connectivity to major SaaS applications, conducts endpoint scanning, and performs business email analysis. Its tripartite discovery method fortifies an organization’s data safeguards.

Moreover, for companies seeking more extensive coverage, Wing’s “Essential SSPM” product is a cost-effective SaaS security solution curated for small to medium-sized enclosures. Wing’s three non-intrusive discovery methods are detailed on their free SaaS discovery platform, positioning it as a custodian against stealthy cyber threats. Uniquely, it provides analysis, oversight, and problem-solving capabilities, all through a singular intuitive dashboard.

To illustrate, upon signing in, IT teams witness an expanse revealing all connected SaaS applications, cataloged permissions, and employee usage modalities. This visibility is key. It is the first, indispensable step toward remediation of risky shares and, ultimately, the recalibration of an organization’s cyber hygiene practices.

Additionally, to broaden cybersecurity awareness and abilities, Wing offers customers educational webinars, including expert-run forums. Here, vital lessons on tackling emerging cyber challenges and securing web apps against discreet attacks are disseminated.

Yoav Kalati, Vice President of Product at Wing, reiterates their commitment. He confirms the unyielding effort to augment customers’ defenses against internal threats, such as insidious auto-forwarding rules. Wing emboldens businesses to unmask and confront shadow IT operations, thereby reinforcing corporate immunity in the face of the evolving digital landscape.

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November 9, 2023
Wing Security introduces a new SaaS discovery solution for risk assessment of email auto-forwarding, aiming to prevent data breaches and fortify cybersecurity.